releasing soon

Easiest way to sync Notion to Webflow CMS

Your Marketing team spends so much time publishing written blogs manually; now we made it easy.

Focus on writing and
not formatting

Our intelligent sync engine gives you everything you need to streamline your content process, from writing in Notion to publishing on Webflow. Experience a seamless transition with our powerful features and intuitive interface.

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simple integration

Connect unlimited Notion Databases to Webflow CMS

large language model

Automatically match fields from Notion to Webflow

one click

Easily sync, queue or publish articles with a single click

releasing q2

Automated SEO check

Our LLM will automatically cross-check for any SEO errors.

releasing q2

Integrate GA4

One place to access data for each blog you post on your website.

releasing q3

Version History

Use our version history control to know what changes you made.

releasing q3

Editor Mode

Tired of Notion and Webflow Editors? Use Flozi.

for early supporters

Join the Founder’s Club

Unlock the full potential, forever. Enjoy early access, and the cheapest price that you will ever pay for this product in your lifetime. Your support will help us truly improve this product even further.
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As a founding member, get access Flozi before everyone else, and use the product for lifetime with updates.

lifetime plan


pay once,
use forever
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As a founding member, get access Flozi before everyone else, and use the product for lifetime with updates.